New York Energy Rates – Central Hudson Electric
Founded in 1900, Central Hudson Electric is a traditional utility company that serves electricity and gas customers throughout the Mid-Hudson River Valley, from New York City to Albany. Central Hudson Electric supplies electricity to more than 300,000 customers, and purchases electricity from third-party providers. The company is committed to providing top quality service and improving the lives its employees and customers.
The utility has made enhancements to its infrastructure and is working to undertake large-scale transformational projects. The company is also integrating distributed energies (DER) into its planning process. The utility will continue to improve its distribution management systems and develop customer information systems.
As of March the month of March, the company’s delivery revenue will increase by 6.1 million in Rate Year 3 and its electric delivery revenue will increase by 2.3 million in Rate Year 1. In Rate Year 3, natural gas prices for the utility will rise by 97.8c per 100 cubic feet. In Rate Year 1, the average residential gas bill will increase by $1.50, while the total average electric bill for residential customers will rise by 1.4 percent.
The company’s natural-gas supply cost fell by 1.2 percent in April. The cost of supply dropped by 6.12 cents/kilowatt-hour in May and by 4.18 cents/kWh in June. The utility cited supply and transportation pipeline constraints, as well as tensions in eastern Europe.
The utility plans to rebuild its transmission line, which is 23 miles long. The construction is scheduled to begin in 2022. Customers in Ulster and Greene will be served by the new transmission lines. Customers will be able to pay different rates for electricity at different times through a time-of use rate program.
The utility has received a number of complaints from customers regarding incorrect billing. In one instance one customer was charged over 700,000 dollars in back charges. A spokesperson confirmed that Central Hudson is working to solve the issue.
The Public Service Commission is also conducting an investigation into the utility. The commission sent letters to all major utilities in the state asking to improve consumer education and awareness about the cost of energy. The Commission also engaged a third party independent consulting firm to conduct an audit of Central Hudson.
The company has been under investigation in the past over alleged billing practices. The state first banned the company from advertising. It was also investigated for its highly fluctuating bills. The ban was put in place by the government to conserve energy resources.
The utility is also facing an investigation from the state’s Senate committee. The committee is investigating whether the utility has been using excessive billing practices, and the Public Service Commission is examining its rates. The commission is currently examining its rate plan which includes the possibility of a small credit to customers. Customers will also need to be provided with explanations of the Basic Service Charge by the utility, which covers the cost of electricity supplied to alternative energy suppliers.